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Looking for 3 good people for biz.

neokim2020 03/26/2020 조회수: 434

Hello and my name is Eddie

I am Korean but cann`t type korean very well. but can read and speak very well.

I am a Professional golf instructor that just lost my job with all the

golf courses closed due to the CORONAVIRUS.

I have contacted my friends in Hawaii to start up a business.

I need 3 good dedicated people to join me and you can start your

own business as well.

this is not a game or scam.

if you are interested in what I am doing and you need help please

contact me ASAP.

I you need proof of who I am before you want to meet me

please call me at 213.234.8752 or email : neogenics.ek@gmail.com

kakao ID : kim31003

thank you and hope i can build a good team.

PS.... NO money involved till deadline of this month.

Also need to understand ENGLISH is a must !!!!

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