I miss someone. I long for someone with a different last name than me to fill this emptiness. Close your eyes and walk down the street. If the person who meets me is her woman, I will make love to her. She makes up her mind and walks the path to achieve her decision. How long did you walk? Even though she walked for a long time, no woman encountered me. No one, let alone a woman, comes into contact with me. I stop and stand on the side of the road and think. Why don`t people meet me? Were they considerate because I am blind and disabled? People`s consideration is painful to me. Still, I decided to walk down the street without opening my eyes. I walk down the street, counting my steps. One thousand, one, one, two, one thousand, three. Before I knew it, the number of my steps had exceeded twenty thousand. Still, no one encounters me. It`s really amazing. Open your eyes and walk down the street. Before you can even walk a few steps, you bump into someone. The person glances at me as if he is displeased and goes on his way. I try to walk again. Likewise, I stumble again before I can take a few steps. The person says this. Look straight ahead and walk. What is this person doing now? He gets angry and glares at me as if he is going to kill me. I`m sorry. After hearing the apology, I can go on my way. Realization comes flooding back. Her departure is the end of her stumble. If I hadn`t stepped on her, she wouldn`t have left. If I had fulfilled her wish by walking with her eyes closed, she would be walking this path with me now. Yes, maybe this is what she wanted from me. The considerate nature of a man who does not step on her and does not make demands, but only fulfills her wishes as she wants. I think I only now realize that this is the key to maintaining and developing my relationship with her. Even today, I am walking down this path, feeling lonely and empty. Now, if another relationship comes to me, I won`t forget today`s lesson. I walked there with a prayerful heart...